It’s a new day! I haven’t blogged for quite some time. I was very consistent in 2017 and 2018. The words flowed easily. But then something changed….I began journaling consistently. Because I was writing to myself I believe my blogging became something different to me. So here I am ready to begin again with a new focus.
As a life coach and a woman in her 50’s I have learned a lot and I would like to share those thoughts and lessons. Most recently it is all about transition for me. In the past I have written about what Brene Brown calls a Mid Life Awakening. It is so true. It’s not a crisis but a time of renaissance for those of us who have lived the lives we expected to live. We have gotten married, maybe divorced, had children and raised them, owned a home and raised all the pets that have captured our hearts.
So…now what?
I love this question, because the possibilities are endless. Do we go down the road we didn’t travel when we were young? The crossroad that was difficult to navigate or the road that took us away from the safe and expected.
For me at this moment in my life, it’s all about health. Some friends and family will say I am living a hippy life with a straight laced husband. And to some degree I am. I am whole food plant based/vegan. I am passionate about the environment, I meditate and do yoga stretching moves daily and I’ve been know to wear some flowing dresses from time to time. But what I am really interested in is how do I transform my body to one that FEELS GOOD. At 52 it seems at one point or another everything aches, hurts or is out of sync.
Then it happened…I woke up one morning with a deep frustration about leg and plantar fasciitis pain that lasted all night and declared “I am tired of feeling bad” “I am done!” And so my journey has begun. I am running in a 1/2 marathon in 33 days, I have hired a trainer, I weigh, measure and log everything I eat, I read everything I can find on nutrition, vitamins, weight training, HIIT, running and cardio in general. I have a separate journal for my Life Style and I stretch, stretch, stretch…..
I also have been spending quite a bit of time learning and practicing the minds place in making good choices. Hearing the critic in my head, taking stock of what is said, what is important and how to answer back with positive reinforcement. I will tell you it’s work but so rewarding to stand up and acknowledge that I am worth the choices I am making to change my life. To be healthier, happier, fitter, more real with who I am today.
The more I learn, the more I want to teach what I have learned. My renaissance is an opportunity to not only help myself but to share what I know and help others. My weekly blogs will be filled with transformation and accountability lessons, I will be posting on the dreaded Facebook (Not my favorite) and on my new Graceful Living Instagram account - gracefullivinglifecoach where I will post videos of food, recipes, books, exercise, quotes and more. I hope you join me on these platforms and share your own experiences. It’s time for all of us to Feel Good, isn’t it!
In the past I ended each blog with “Wishing you grace, peace and healthy living” but since the remainder of 2019 and 2020 will be about transformation I will end with two words from my favorite quote that comes from Teddy Roosevelt’s speech “Citizenship In a Republic.
Daring Greatly,