It's January 2, therefore, I think it is a requirement to write about New Years Resolutions. I have not made any this year, I actually just took a moment to look at myself and jott down the things that are important to me and my growth. So, if anything my resolution is to stay focused on the things that matter. Family, Health (which for me is mind, body and spiritual health), friends and community service. My MBS or Mind, Body, Spiritual Health include things like exercise (I am enjoying Pilates and running at the moment), meditation, MindPT, writing, painting, reading, cleaning & organizing my home, eating a whole food plant based diet, journaling and praying.
It is not always necessary to start something new, sometimes you just need to invigorate yourself and the things that you are already doing. Change things up, try reading a different type of book, a new form of exercise, or go pick up a new cookbook and spice things up a bit in the kitchen.
I have been enjoying the work of Julia Cameron over the years. She has written a wonderful book called "The Artist's Way". I use this book with groups both in person and through on-line group and private classes to help people find their creative, spiritual soul. One of the many stellar quotes from the book is:
“Whatever you think you can do or believe you can do, begin it. Action has magic, grace, and power in it.”
So, what is it you are doing that you can do better or differently? Or what is it you are not doing and want to do? Don't you think it's time to begin? The calendar has a magical way of giving us permission to restart. Whether it is the new year, your birthday or springtime. Take a moment, write down what's important to you and make it happen.
To Do List....
Join a gym
Take an art/writing class
Walk/Run Daily
Eat Healthier
Drink more water
Get a Life Coach (Ha! Subtle Hint...)
Do something new, do more of these things that you love or do them better - but most importantly BEGIN, begin at the start or in the middle of what you are already doing, just BEGIN - again and again and again.
Let's start today and find our place of excitement, peace, contentment, happiness, joy and any other adjective that describes where you want to be.
Happy 2018 Everyone!
Wishing you all Grace, Peace & Healthy Living,