Freedom Tower
Yesterday I spent the day at the 9/11 Memorial. In the past I have said I would not visit this site. But as I stood at the Memorial outside the museum I recognized that I wanted to pay tribute to the people that had not only died there but also the people that survived. I must say that this place was as spiritual as any church I could be standing in. It was filled with stories of heroism and hope, love and caring for people known and unknown. One story that stood out was a team of people that carried a wheelchair bound paraplegic down the stairs. Exhausted after walking down numerous flights, the group sat down in utter tiredness and disbelief outside the building, when suddenly a group of rescue workers started screaming from all directions "You can't stay here" "Get up and RUN, RUN, RUN. This powerful moment was amongst many other outstanding moments of courage and fortitude.
Inside the 9/11 Memorial Museum
Throughout the day there was one thing I knew for sure, God was there, God was there with the rescue teams from the fire department and police department that ran in as everyone was running out. God was there after, as teams of people continued to search and painstakingly look for those both dead and alive. God was there as flags were raised and as our country and our world cried together.
Outside of the Memorial Museum at the 9/11 Memorial Site
The world, our world was changed after that fateful day. And I like to believe we changed for the better. We remembered what was important and we remembered what it means to love one another. As I walked the halls of the memorial I was thankful for all the people who showed us what it means to be a child of God, what it means to be a citizen of this country and what it means to be a committed member of a community.
God showed up in many ways that day and the days that followed. And as one wall says so very poignantly "No Day Shall Erase You From The Memory of Time" - Virgil.
Wishing you Grace, Peace & Healthy Living,