What in the world did we do before websites and apps to help us make dinner? Or do anything else for that matter. A cookbook is great, but when you have something in mind or limited ingredients isn’t it great to type in a word and get a multitude of choices. And what if you have a question about your health, a few clicks of the keys and presto you've become a doctor and you know just what your problem is and how to fix it. But, I think we can all agree that looking up recipes is quite different than diagnosing ourselves. We all know the latter is a recipe for worry and trouble that most times doesn't exist, yet I think we all would have to admit to at least once finding out that we have an incurable disease that is only found on an island that we've never heard of and we are certain that we have contracted it. With that said, I'd still like to share a couple of sites that I enjoy perusing for recipes, medical facts, guidance and inspiration (just read a few of the transformations on Forks over Knives site and you'll know what I mean by inspiration)
www.simpleveganista.com Great site for easy to prepare recipes. With simple ingredients.
www.sweetsimplevegan.com Another great site for easy to prepare recipes. With simple ingredients.
Food Monster App through One Green Planet or www.onegreenplanet.org This site includes recipes, articles about concerns for animal mistreatment and environmental impacts.
Forks over Knives App or www.forksoverknives.comThis site is a great resource for whole food plant based eating and shares inspirational stories, recipes and articles on medical facts and research.
www.nutritionfacts.org The word facts is used properly here - Dr. Gregor explains the actual medical facts through published journals - it is an amazing site.
www.pcrm.org Dr. Neal Barnard is a rich source of medical facts and information and is a front runner in exposing the danger we can find in our foods and how political red tape is wrapped up in what we eat.
richroll.com This site includes podcasts, recipes and so much more from sedentary lawyer turned ultra marathoner and triathlete Rich Roll and his wife Julie Piatt.
These sites help me explore all the possibilities and make healthy choices at the same time. You do need to pay attention to the ingredients list on some of the recipe sites and make sure your choices are wise. Even vegans can make poor nutritional choices.
So…I recommend you explore. Find the websites that inspire you, encourage your journey and teach you about good health. Sites that are filled with factual information from doctors and professionals that are walking the walk. Once on the sites, enjoy the videos and information shared as well as select recipes that you would enjoy and that include ingredients you often times have on hand. Establish some favorites so that life is easier when preparing your grocery list or choosing a dinner. And most of all embrace all the qualified chefs, registered dieticians, athletes, scientists, environmentalist, doctors and professionals the internet has to offer. We are so very fortunate to have this resource. I certainly enjoy all the options, I hope you do too.
Grace, Peace & Healthy Living,
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