I journal. Part of my process is to write three things I am grateful for, one memory and one thing I am looking forward to. I write these items in detail and by doing so my mind does not know that it is not happening at the moment. I started this process by watching Shawn Achor's TED talk, which lead me to his book The Happiness Advantage and website goodthinkinc.com and I followed through by taking his class 21 days to Happiness at Ownlifeclasses.com. It would appear that I stalk happiness. And I guess in some ways I do. Writing a gratitude journal not only sets my day up to succeed it also opens me up to receive the good around me. I see the good because I am looking for it. I have learned from Geneen Roth writer of Women Food and God that we should stop multiple times a day to be grateful in the moment, even or maybe more importantly when things aren't going well. You can always find something that is positive. So whether I am writing in my journal or just capturing life's positive moments throughout the day I am working toward happiness.
With this happiness in mind, I journal more than just gratitude. When I open my journal to a crisp white page I often run my hand over it's smooth texture. And with pen in hand I am usually feverishly writing. Both good things and bad things enter the page. And because it is just mine to read, I have no worries that the writing is often times not legible. It really doesn't matter. I rarely go back and look at my writing. Journaling for me is a release. I let go of my worries, concerns and feelings. Releasing the tensions of the day, week, year or any time in the past. By releasing my thoughts to the page I open myself up to new experiences and let go of the past clearing a space to embrace my present. And although I am a true believer in living for the present I still love this quote from Steve Jobs.
““You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.”
With these words in mind I am able to connect my past dots and change my story. Looking at what took place and using that information to thrive forward - letting go of the negative, in my case through writing and using that energy to propel forward in a positive direction each day.
Looking at the past and reframing it, releasing the negative, striving for the positive to live each day in the present with a fresh, energized outlook. This is my goal.
If you do not journal I highly recommend it. Journal your thoughts and feelings, journal what you are grateful for, journal just the activities of your day. Any one or all of these things will transform your outlook. It will take you away from electronics and gadgets and if done at night releases the tensions of the day allowing you to sleep better. The time will be well spent and if you are like me you will be all the more fulfilled because of it.
Grace, Peace & Healthy Living,