Living Renovation

Current Project

Current Project

Current Project

Current Project

Last year I renovated my kitchen. My first thoughts were how fun and exciting it would be.  But if you are like me you don't do well with disruption especially in the kitchen. One week turned to two, then to three and so on,  some contractors (not all) were unreliable and in the end I became the 'overseer" of the project.  This was really not good.   I was totally ill prepared to deal with some of the professionals leaving on Friday at 3 p.m., when there was still work to be done just because it was Friday at 3 p.m. or other people showing up 4 to 5 hours late continually if they arrived at all.  But mostly, I was ill prepared because I was expecting things to work in an organized way even with 7 different companies working on the project at the same time.  So, with my ignorance in tact I scheduled my granite on the same day that I was installing the sink/stove/potfiller/dishwasher, along with the electrician who was rewiring and installing lighting,  the stove fan installer, the gas line installer and the floor installers.  I thought I had planned out the time everyone would arrive, how long each job would take and what needed to be done.  Clearly, if you've ever done any home improvement you are shaking your head and laughing  at me as you read this. When it comes to home renovation there is never a clear schedule. 

Surprisingly, we made it through.  And I now have a beautiful kitchen and I am all the more wiser.  

So...when we decided to buy and renovate a lake house I took my history with me and have changed my ways.  I have recognized that I have to wait for things to be done right.  That the subfloors need to go in first, the cabinets on another day, the floors yet another day, the plumber and electrician during and after everything else.  I have also had to recognize that even though everyone is spaced out on the calendar it doesn't mean that everything will be done on that day.  If I continue to be patient and remember that all will happen in time then I will have a beautiful cabin.  

But don't we all want everything to be done right now? Do we ever lose that childlike desire to get what we want when we want it?

My experiences have helped me to learn patience and with that patience I am able to see the fruits of waiting for everything to be done at the right time. Can this practice be brought forth in our lives elsewhere? Can we wait to lose the 10lbs. by eating and exercising the right way or do we need to take that pill or go on the unhealthy diet to lose the weight far too quickly to maintain? Can we train for the 1/2 marathon over months or do we need to jump in before we are ready and injure ourselves, can we begin a new journey toward peace within without expecting to feel something during the first church service or meditation or do we give up when the lighting bolt doesn't come down immediately from the sky.  

I clearly remember being a kid and waiting for the next birthday, Christmas, being tall enough to ride the go-carts, being old enough to go to youth group retreats and so on....

I remember these things so clearly because I had to wait, I had to anticipate.  It made each one more exciting.  Achieving instant results can be gratifying  for the moment but waiting for things can bring a lifetime of memories.

As we enter into this new year - I hope you will join me on my journey of patience.  Let's start 2017 taking our time and knowing that the rain eventually brings a rainbow and hard work with dedication will bring long term positive results. 

Grace, Peace & Healthy Living,


Before & After

Before & After

